The Checkout App that Converts, Retains and Streamlines your sales process
Available exclusively for Shopify Plus Stores
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Increase Average Order Value
Increase your revenue with
Checkout Upsells
Allow your customers to buy more products with just one click, without needing to re-enter their payment details.
Modify your Cart seamlessly at Checkout for enhanced convenience
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Personalize checkout pages with customized imagery and text for a tailored customer experience that reflects your brand identity effortlessly
Optimize, Customize and Boost Sales for your business using our app
Cross Sell items to increase AOV / CRO
Update the cart with quantity and variants
Compatible with 1-step checkout
Add brand Credibility Logos
Built Exclusively for Shopify
Built on a framework that works best for Shopify
Use Shopify’s inbuilt customizer to customize the look and feel
Did you know after August 2024 checkout.liquid will not be available?
payment icons
Enhance trust on checkout pages by incorporating trust badges for increased credibility and customer confidence during transactions

Frequently Asked Questions

Our cross-selling feature enables you to suggest additional products or higher value variants to customers during checkout, enticing them to add more items to their cart and increase their order value effortlessly. These features seamlessly integrate via the customizer, providing enhanced functionality for your checkout process.

For B2B merchants, our application allows the inclusion of organization names and GST/Tax numbers during checkout. This facilitates the incorporation of GST numbers on invoices, enabling businesses to claim tax credits and streamline their accounting processes effectively. Merchants can conveniently add these features via the customizer, ensuring compliance with B2B requirements.

Store owners can enhance their bottom line sales by offering additional products like shipping protection, carbon-neutral options, or gift wrapping directly on the checkout page. These customizable products can be auto-selected if desired, providing added value to customers and increasing revenue. Incorporating these options via the customizer enhances your customers' shopping experience.

Our application empowers users to include personalized messages or additional details with their orders, fostering a deeper connection with the brand. Furthermore, customers can specify their preferred delivery dates, ensuring a positive shopping experience and strengthening their loyalty to the brand. Easily enable these features via the customizer, enhancing your brand's personal touch.

Absolutely, each feature seamlessly integrates into both the 1-page checkout and Shop Pay, ensuring comprehensive accessibility and streamlined functionality across your entire checkout process.

Utilizing Shopify's robust framework, Checkout Star ensures smooth integration of its features into your store, empowering you to tailor the shopping experience with ease through the checkout customizer by

Going to Settings > Checkout > Clicking 'Customise' on your live checkout page > Add Section and select the feature


Going to Online Store > Click 'Customise' on the desired theme > Select Checkout from the top-middle dropdown > Add Section and select the feature